In vitro study evaluating the micro-tensile bond strength of different restorative materials after treatment by chemo-mechanical agent
Research Abstract
Summary and Conclusion
The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the application papain-based gel on the micro-tensile bond strength of different restorative material to carious dentin.
Thirty two extracted human primary posterior teeth with moderate caries were assigned into two groups according to mechanism of caries removal, each containing sixteen (16) teeth [thirty two (32) halves].
Group 1: Caries are mechanically removed with a round bur "control group " and restorative material was applied.
Group 2: Caries are chemo-mechanically removed with a chemomechanical solvent (Papacarie) and restorative material was applied.
Both groups were subdivided into two subgroups:
Sub-group A: Glass iomomer restoration
Sub-group B: Light curing composite resin restoration.
The samples were sectioned longitudinally to the long axis of the tooth to obtain sticks of standardized cross sectional area. These sticks were stressed to failure under tensile force in a universal testing machine.
The micro-tensile bond strength for each specimen was calculated in
megapascal (MPa).
Results of this study showed the following:
1. Among different kinds of chemo-mechanical caries removal systems, Papacarie has been found to be easy to manipulate, simple and cheap, as well as effective in removing infected tissues.
2. However, its use may affect negatively the bond strength of restorative materials regardless the type of adhesive filling, as Papacarie produced significant reduction on the mean Micro-tensile strength (μTBS) for both the glass ionomer and resin composite with an insignificant difference
So, from this study, it was concluded that:
1. Durability of restoration following mechanical cavity preparation is better than that following chemo-mechanical one.
2. Papacarie may affect negatively the bond strength and consequently the durability of restorative materials regardless the type of adhesive filling.
Research Keywords
In vitro study evaluating the micro-tensile bond strength of different restorative materials after treatment by chemo-mechanical agent