تقييم تأثير بعض الأعشاب الطبية آمضادات للجراثيم باستخدام فصيلة واحده لكل من المكورات المعوية البرازية و الكانديدا البيضاء (دراسة معملية)

ملخص البحث

Summary and Conclusion The aim of the present in vitro study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of differrent medicinal herbs against single species of Entercoccus faecalis & Candida albicans. Fifteen essential oils were extracted by Steam distillation method. screened for antimicrobial activity by the Agar Well-diffusion method, through the observation of the zones of microbial growth inhibition diameters. Also direct contact test was used to test the in vitro intracanal microbial reduction at 2 time intervals (24hrs and 72 hrs), using the 3 essential oils that exhibited the highest growth inhibition zone diameters. The oils tested were Tea tree oil(Melaleuca alternifolia), Cinnamon oil and Peppermint oil. In the direct contact test, sixty single rooted human teeth were inoculated with the appropriate suspension of C.albicans and E.faecalis and incubated for 24hrs at 37°C. Afterwards the root canals were divided into 3 groups, each was filled with one of the essential oils tested. The root canals were sampled and the colony forming units (CFU/ml) were counted after 24 hrs and 72hrs incubation. The agar diffusion test results showed that, there was a higly significant difference in the antimicrobial activity of the selected essential oils among the tested microorganisms (p<0.001). Tea tree oil, Peppermint oil and Cinnamon oil showed the highest inhibition zone diameters against both E.feacalis and C.albicans. The direct contact test results revealed that, the 3 essential oils tested showed considerable reduction in the mean CFU/ml of both test organisms either after 24 hrs or 72 hrs. Statistical analysis showed that, there was a significant decrease in the mean CFU/ml of C.albicans among the Tea tree oil group after 72hrs (1.02 ± 0.59) when compared to that after 24hrs (3.76 ± 1.26), p <0.05. Also statistical analysis revealed that regarding Candida albicans, there was a significant decrease in the mean of CFU/ml after 24hrs among the Peppermint group (2.04 ± 0.7) when compared to that of Tea tree group (3.76 ± 1.26), p <0.05. While after 72 hrs, mean CFU/ml significantly decrease with the Tea tree oil (1.02 ± 0.59), compared to Peppermint group (1.87 ± 0.03), p <0.05. Meanwhile, regarding Enterococcus faecalis there was a higly significant decrease in the mean CFU/ml at 72 hrs among Tea tree oil (0.2 ± 0.45) when compared to Cinnamon oil (3.95 ± 1.91), p < 0.05. Surprisingly, no viable colonies were observed at 72 hrs among the Peppermint group, which was considered a significant decrease when compared to Cinnamon oil (3.95 ±1.91), p <0.05. Under the conditions of the present study, It can be concluded that Tea tree, Peppermint and Cinnamon oils showed a considerable antimicrobial effect against C.albicans and E.feacalis. Medicinal herbs may offer a new source of antimicrobial agents for use.

الكلمات المفتاحيه

تقييم تأثير بعض الأعشاب الطبية آمضادات للجراثيم باستخدام فصيلة واحده لكل من المكورات المعوية البرازية و الكانديدا البيضاء (دراسة معملية)

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