moatz aly ahmed hussien

assistant lecturer

Basic Informations


Name : Moatz Aly Ahmed Hussien

Date of birth  : 3/3/1988.

Marital Status : married  .

Nationality      :Egyptian.

   Qualification: Bachelor's degree in dentistry 2009 .

                      Master degree in prosthodontics 2019

The job : Assistant lecturer at prosthodontic department at faculty of  dentistry Beni suef university                                                                                  

   Address:  Mallawi -El Minia


E- mail :


Graduation: 2009 faculty of dentistry Minia university with a very good grade with honors.

Joined master degree programme in prosthodontics at Minia university September 2014.

master degree in prosthodontics 2019 under title retention capability of two conventional housings versus retention sil material in two implant retained mandibular overdenture.

Article derived from the thesis was published in Egyptian dental journal in July 2019 under title retention capability of retention sil material versus two conventional attachment housings in two implant retained mandibular overdenture.


Master Title

retention capability of two conventional housings versus retention sil material in two implant retained mandibular overdenture.

Master Abstract

The aim of this study was to compare between the maximum retentive forces of two conventional prefabricated attachments (Dentium locator and Dentium ball) and the retentive forces of custom made attachments with retention sil material. Acrylic model simulating an edentulous mandible was fabricated, two implants analogues (Dentium implant analogue) was inserted in the canine region parallel to each other. Overdenture with metallic occlusal plate was constructed to facilitate the retention test procedure. Two locator abutments (Dentium locator attachment) was tightened to the implant analogues and their prefabricated attachments (clear locator attachment) were picked up in the overdenture fitting surface. The maximum retentive forces of the prefabricated attachment were recorded with universal testing machine (Instron universal testing machine). The prefabricated locator attachment was removed and replaced with custom made locator attachment with retention sil material and the maximum retentive forces were recorded. The locator abutment was removed and ball abutments was tightened to the implant analogues (Dentium ball abutment) and their prefabricated attachments were picked up. The maximum retentive forces of the prefabricated ball attachment were recorded then the prefabricated attachment replaced with custom made attachment with retention sil material and the maximum retentive forces were recorded. After 3240 cycles of insertion and removal the highest retentive fore was recorded for the prefabricated locator attachment then the prefabricated ball attachment then the custom made locator attachment and finally the custom made ball attachment.

PHD Title


PHD Abstract


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