Basic Informations
: Bachelor's Degree in Dentistry
: 2004
: Very Good with Honor
: Faculty of Dentistry
: Ainshams University
Postgraduate -
: Master Degree in Operative Dentistry in Al-Azhar University 2012
: Registered for Doctor Degree in Operative Dentistry in Al-Azhar University 2013
Ø 1/11/2004 – 31/10/2005 as a dentist under training in :
1. Faculty of dentistry hospital and el demerdash hospital.
2. El Khazindar Hospital.
3. El Mounira Hospital.
4. Medical centers in Giza and Shubra.
Ø 4/1/2006 - 27/2/2007, worked as a Resident Dentist at ‘Ministry of Health and Population’ in Benisweif, Upper Egypt.
Ø 27/2/2007 - 1/9/2012, worked as a Resident Dentist at ‘Ministry of Health and Population’ in Ain shams, Cairo.
Ø 2008 - 2012, granted Master degree in Operative Dentistry from Al-Azhar University - Girls Branch, the Master Degree has been granted on 29/2/2012.
Ø 1/9/2012 till 30/9/2015, worked as Assistant Specialist‘Ministry of Health and Population’ in Ain Shams, Cairo.
Ø 12/6/2013, accepted Registration on Doctororate degreein Operative Dentistry from Al-Azhar University - Girls branch, under currently the Doctor Degree is under process.
Ø 2006-2010 work as a Dentist in Various Medical Centersin Ain Shams and Nasr city, Cairo.
Ø 2010- 2015 work as a Dentist at my Private Clinic in addition to Doctor Degree work.
Ø 1/11/2015 till 31/9/2016 work as an Assistant lecturer in Operative dentistry in Modern university for Information and Technology (MTI)
Ø 1 /10/2016 till now work as an Assistant lecturer in Operative dentistry in Beni suef university
Ø Has discussed my PHD thesis, has finished my PH exams at November 2018
Technical Training Courses
Ø Workshop in "How to Improve Your Endodontic Skills using Rotary Instruments" on April, 2010.
Ø Workshop in "Advanced Layering Technique using Nano-Composites in Class IV Restorations" on Auguest, 2009.
Ø Attended the Egyptian Pharmacovigillance Conference2011.
Ø Attended Minia International Conference for Dentistry2016.
Ø Workshop in “ Change your smile.Change your composite, Give style to your smile ” on March 2017.
Computer Skills
ICDL Certified in 2010.
Language Skills
· English : Completed advanced english test “TOEFL” with score 560.
· Arabic : Mother tongue.
· Germany : Familiar with.
Interpersonal Skills
Sociable, able to work under stress, and a very good team player.
Personal Information
Name : Suzan Salah Eldin Mostafa Hashim
D. Of Birth : 18/10 /1982.
P. of Birth : Cairo, Egypt.
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Muslim.
Nationality : Egyptian.
Address : 20 Estefanos st., Ainshams, Cairo, Egypt.
Mobile : +2 010 6892 2036
Mobile : +2 012 7029 3757
Email :
Personal ID : 28210180101829
Any references will be available up on request.
Master Title
Color Stability of Composite Resins of Different Filler Size Polished with Two Different Polishing Techniques
Master Abstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the color stability of three different composite resin materials of different filler sizes and distribution polished with two different polishing systems under different storage conditions. A Total number of ninety disk shaped specimens were made from Filtek Z250 (a microhybrid composite resin material), Filtek Z350 (a nanofilled composite resin material) and CeramX (a nanohybrid composite resin material) with thirty specimens for each material. Ten specimen of each material were only mylar strip finished and used as control. Half of the remaining specimens of each material were polished with SofLex polishing system and the other half with PoGo polishing system. Half of the specimens for each material were stored for six days in coffee solution and the other half was immersed in red grapes juice. Baseline color measurement using the CIE Lab system was performed using Shimadzu spectrophotometer .After immersion in the storage solutions; color values were recorded again and the color difference ?E were calculated. For statistical evaluation, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey’s post-hoc test was used for pair-wise comparison between the means when ANOVA test is significant. The results showed that CeramX composite resin material proved to be the most color stable material and Filtek Z350 that was found to be the least color stable material. The result of microhybrid composite resin (Filtek Z250) lies in between the previously mentioned groups. The multi step SofLex finishing and polishing system significantly improved the color stability of the restoration compared to single step PoGo finishing and polishing system that found to be efficient in polishing composites in a relatively short clinical time. Red grapes juice was found to cause more staining to Filtek Z350 nanofilled composite resin compared to coffee that stained Filtek Z250 and CeramX composite resin more.
Conclusions: -
1. In general, removing the outermost layer of composite by either polishing systems significantly increases the color stability of all composite resin restorations.
2. Resin composite composition affects color stability.
3. The patient eating and drinking habits significantly affects the color stability of the composite resin restoration.
1. Apply finishing and polishing procedures to restorations of different composite resin materials to increase their color stability.
2. Taking the patient eating and drinking habits into consideration while choosing the material of the restoration and the polishing technique applied.
3. It was recommended to make a new research for developing a new composite resin material that provide a more durable and a more color stable restorations.
PHD Title
Biological Response of Nanohydroxyapetite As A Direct Pulp Capping Material Individually Or Combined With Silver Or Low Level Laser Therapy
PHD Abstract
Summary Objective. The aim of the present study was to evaluate histo-logical pulp response following direct capping of mechanically exposed teeth with nanohydroxyapetite, silver nanohydroxyapetite and nanohydroxyapetite combined with Low Level Laser Therapy in the preclinical model of dog teeth.
Methods. This study was done on 72 teeth of five dogs of one year old. Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal surface of permanent third incisors, canines, two rooted premolars, maxillary and mandibular molars. The cavities were assigned to three main experimental groups according to capping material used. Intentional pulp capping was done using one of experimental material. Teeth was extracted then subjected to staining procedure and evaluated for pulpal inflammatory response after 7, 21 and 65 days. Data was analyzed using Kruskal Wallis test used to compare between different Materials and Time followed by Mann Whitney U test for pairwise comparison.
Results. AgNHA showed the least inflammatory response at 7 days follow-up period followed by NHA then NHA combined with LLLT which difference was found significant. At 21, 65 days follow-up periods, no significant difference was found between different groups however inflammatory response does not reduce with time. Formation of Dentine Bridge is evident in both NHA and NHA with LLLT.
Conclusion. The inflammatory reaction of the capped pulps could be beneficial in enhancing the tissue repair mechanisms. All that tested pulp capping protocols induced the formation of calcifications with varying degrees.Degree of crystallization and dissolution of NHA or AgNHA obtained by different fabrication methods of nanoparticles affects pulp response to the materials as pulp capping agents.
Recommendation. Further investigations are required to evaluate effect of nanohydroxyapetite and silver nanohydroxyapetite in pulp capping procedure in longer follow-up periods in human. A different method of manufacturing of Nano-hydroxyapetite and silver nanohydroxyapetite should be tried to achieve better result.