Diaa Asaad Zaky Hassan Elmwafy


Basic Informations


Curriculum vitae


DiaaAsaadZaky Hassan Elmwafy

Date and place of birth

18/04/1985, Mansoura, Egypt

Email address




Mobile: 002/01111577278002/01063780904


Arabic, English



B.D.S degree,faculty of dentistry, Mansoura university, Egypt.


3/2014 till now

Master degree in dental biomaterial, faculty of dentistry, Mansoura university, Egypt.

Phd student in dental biomaterial department, faculty of dentistry, Mansoura university, Egypt.


1/11/2007 - 31/10/2008

2/2009 - 2/2014

2/2014 - 9/2015

Training year in faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura university, Egypt.

As a general dentist in a medical service unit concerned with primary care of children, Mansoura, Egypt.

Assistant Lecturer – Dental biomaterial department-Faculty of dentistry- Delta university-Mansoura, Egypt.                                                                                                                                  

12/2015 - till now             Assistant Lecturer – Dental biomaterial department-
                                              Faculty of dentistry- Beni-suef university, Egypt


-         Dental ImplantologyCousre – Credit 40 hours with practical & clinical training which held in Faculty of Dentistry-Mansoura University    26/12/2007  to  10/2/2008.

-         Prosthodontic Department Conference- Faculty of Dentistry-Mansoura University (Prospectives of Implant Removable Superstructures) – Attendance (16 hours) & workshop (6  hours) from 27-28/10/2008.

-         ICDL certificate in computer skills

-         TOEFL

Master Title

Evaluation of wear, solubility and color stability of nanohybrid and nanofilled composite after immersion in food simulating liquids

Master Abstract

Evaluation of wear, solubility and color stability of nanohybrid and nanofilled composite after immersion in food simulating liquids

PHD Title

Evaluation of Biologic and Some Physical Properties of Flexible Resin Modified with Antimicrobial Nanostructures

PHD Abstract

Evaluation of Biologic and Some Physical Properties of Flexible Resin Modified with Antimicrobial Nanostructures

All rights reserved ©Diaa Asaad Zaky Hassan Elmwafy